Lesbian girl with photography in mind
512 Ask
Question Marathon 36/42What's the most hated word in your language and country?
Question Marathon 35/42What's your animal avatar's most beloved food?
Question Marathon 37/42On a scale 1-5, 5 the hottest, how hot my your food be?
On a scale where 1 is normal asian food and 5 being asian food prepared by sarcastic Thai chefs, I'm only a 2, but compared to European hotness I'm a 4-5
Question Marathon 38/42What was your longest trip so far?
Sri Lanka.
Question Marathon 39/42Are you heteronormativ? If not, what else?
I'm mostly human I guess and when it comes to crushes I happen to be fixed on girls.
Question Marathon 40/42Since there's no content warning here, would you accept lewd questions?
lol, yes, it's inevitable since this is the internet.
Question Marathon 41/42The marathon is almost done. Did you enjoy it?
Do you fear what the others might be up to?
Question Marathon 42/42State the question to this question's number being an answer. You know it?
This is the answer to the one big question for the universe and everything. But you must ask the dolphins and the mice.
Question Marathon 32/42QXJlIHlvdSBjdXRlPw==
Δεν είναι σήμερα η πιο Δευτεριάτικη Πέμπτη που υπήρξε ποτέ ?
Question Marathon 33/420,15,30,40,.. ? Bonus: if you post an emoji related to the answer
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