dd__ · 7 answers · 12d

Would you like to talk about what's bothering you? My rate is 1 hug/hour.

Sure thing! I've been kind of frustrated with my job this week, because I work with a bunch of NTs and it seems like we're speaking two different languages. But today is much better than yesterday. free hugs XD

one of my doctors wants me to stop taking NSAIDs daily bc it's bad for my kidneys, but it's my main pain management drug 😩

hugs u hugs u hugs u hugs u hugs u hugs u hugs u hugs u

Only one hug per hour? I understand you try doing the best and that is an amazing rate given that here are so many, but, big but I know, I would for a start need a hug that lasts an hour..... on a side note I do miss my girl a lot and it is a pity she lives so far away and I do stare at her photo and at her video and...just have a few tears now.

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