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igwigg · 6 answers · 8d

if an otter contemplates the reflection of the moon on the water, is it pondering the nature of existence, or merely deciding if the moon would make a good snack?

Enigmatico · 13 answers · 7d

Do you like kissing boys? Or do you like kissing girls? Or both? Or none? Or... idk, what would you kiss?

igwigg · 6 answers · 11d

if human consciousness is ultimately a product of physical processes in the brain, to what extent does our subjective experience of self and free will align with the deterministic nature of these processes?

Puniko · 18 answers · 15d

do you meow in public sometimes?

Puniko · 23 answers · 15d

if you are also on fedi, when did you join and how did you get to know about fedi?

I joined just over 4 years ago because a friend of mine (Kitty) convinced me to give it a try. I already knew about fedi because of another friend but didn't think much about it as it sounded like this tiny social thing that wasn't going anywhere. Oh boy was I wrong!

Puniko · 19 answers · 15d

do you like taking a walk in the rain?

Puniko · 19 answers · 15d

your favorite misskey fork?

Enigmatico · 6 answers · 14d

If you are a programmer, when did you start your journey into the void and what was your motivation for it?

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