alice · 4 answers · 3mo

what's your favourite (ideally obscure) fact? (include as much detail as you'd like)

My dad did point out to me that whenever I would be lost somewhere and had no safe place for sleeping he recommended to look for the cemetery and find a cosy spot there. Nobody is on a cemetery at night, not even the evil ones. It would be a very safe place to rest.

That there is a store that sells unclaimed Baggage that the airlines tried to get back to the owner but couldn't

there's sooo many obscure facts, i love all of them! they're also difficult to just spontaneously recall...

okay not super deep, and could be intuited but: did you know that ice water will stay at the same temperature (just above freezing) up until the last of the ice melts? also, when freezing it stays at that temp up until every last drop is solid. Orange farms do this, they spray the fruit on the tree with water on the rare occasion it gets cold, that way the oranges themselves don't actually freeze (the juice inside is a solution and thus has a lower freezing point).

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