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igwigg · 4 answers · 10h

Don't look it up! How was the orange called before it was called orange?

igwigg · 3 answers · 4d

if every word were a door, which one would you choose to open first, and what do you imagine lies behind it?

I'd choose love, because behind that lies comfortness for my soul and mind. Speaking of pictures, this comfortness and peace of mind would result in a big cat. In fact so big I can cuddle into it's fur and listen to the purring, that eases my mind.

Epsi · 10 answers · 4d

do u know ur a lil mew mew?

I've always known that. Now you made me sad, made me hiding in my mew mew cave

igwigg · 6 answers · 11d

if human consciousness is ultimately a product of physical processes in the brain, to what extent does our subjective experience of self and free will align with the deterministic nature of these processes?

Thing is, thoughts are electrochemical processes. We can control our thoughts to some extent. Thus, we can predetermine the deterministic structure. Finally, so our free will aligns with the nature of this process.

igwigg · 6 answers · 8d

if an otter contemplates the reflection of the moon on the water, is it pondering the nature of existence, or merely deciding if the moon would make a good snack?

Of course he thinks of a good snack! Otters cracking so much food while floating on the water, surely he wants to crack the moon for a taste.

Ente/Erpel · 10 answers · 7d

The percepted perception is a individual perception of possible perceptions of all perceptions based on a generally understanding of perception. Do you agree?

igwigg · 4 answers · 14d

if you could see one event from history, but only as an observer who cannot intervene, which event would you choose and why?

The moment during world war one, when German and French soldiers met in the nowhere land between their trenches to play soccer. No war for about an hour. Hugging, appreciation on both sides for each other, singing Christmas carols.
This moment shows, that people don't want to fight, they're made to by stupid leaders, leaning back in a nice chair while others die. Watching this soldiers is a light in the dark among humans.

Puniko · 19 answers · 15d

do you like taking a walk in the rain?

Puniko · 23 answers · 15d

if you are also on fedi, when did you join and how did you get to know about fedi?

Was in midst of 2018, heard about it from a friend. Took my chance and well, decide for yourself :)

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