Enigmatico · 10 answers · 5mo

Welcome to Enigmatico's bank! We offer a special program for your savings!

Since the first month you bring us your money, each month that passes your money reevaluates each month, following the following formula:

+ * (1/4)t^3-(109/50)t^2+3t

Where t is the time in months since your first deposit. However, you must keep your money for a minimum of 5 months. Will you take it? If so, when do you withdraw your money?

If I've calculated it correctly, counting the month I deposit my money in as month 1, and putting £2 into the account.

I'd break even on month 9 with a balance of £2.30.

However, by month 24, I'd be the richest person in the world with just over £9 trillion in my account.

My diagnosis, where do I sign up?!

hello i do not have money to invest in the enigmatico bank :< i spent all of it on ravioli

i would withdraw the money shortly after the 5 months, because the growth would be slower shortly afterwards

oh no math!!1 /jk I love math

It would take 7 months just to break even on that. But afterwards the money would increase at a cubic rate. After a year it'd be with 154 times more. I'd probably just leave it until you ran out of money, and then seize all your assets.

It's 10am and I'm so not doing maths but that's either a great deal or really awful /lh

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