Enigmatico · 10 answers · 3mo

Welcome to Enigmatico's bank! We offer a special program for your savings!

Since the first month you bring us your money, each month that passes your money reevaluates each month, following the following formula:

+ * (1/4)t^3-(109/50)t^2+3t

Where t is the time in months since your first deposit. However, you must keep your money for a minimum of 5 months. Will you take it? If so, when do you withdraw your money?

If I've calculated it correctly, counting the month I deposit my money in as month 1, and putting £2 into the account.

I'd break even on month 9 with a balance of £2.30.

However, by month 24, I'd be the richest person in the world with just over £9 trillion in my account.

My diagnosis, where do I sign up?!

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