fabos · 8 answers · 2mo

Question Marathon 1/42
Have you ever "Loose weight" on your new year's resolution list?

my new years resolution is going trough the year without killing myself, 2023 was a really really close one

not on the new years one. but it's on my actual list from september, and it works pretty well so far

Nope! I find that most new year's resolutions, in my case, I can't stick to, particularly health-related ones like weight loss. However, I will say that I have lost a lot of weight over the past few years! I find that it's better, in the long run, to make "healthy life changes" rather than new year's resolutions, but those are also harder to maintain. :)

I've always been on the border of underweight and I've finally gotten inside the healthy weight bracket. I don't plan to lose any!

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