EpicKitty · 11 answers · 5mo

What's your thoughts on personal CCTV?

If it is the surrounding of the house, why not - as long as it is all stored and operated locally with no cloud connection and stuff. Inside the house / apartment /whatever: hell no, even if sb I know would have a cloud voice assitant like alexa, google, siri, etc. I would never enter or at least not stay there. If the voice assistant is something like the one HAS got, that would not be a problem. Also if it is covering the surroundings at no time it should point to public ground like streets, walkways, etc.. That is thing how you get me angry or at least annoyed (and in Germany it can even be illegal lol)

if its your front door, in front of your house to watch for intruders its great, if its inside... its weird and i'm not coming in your house

If it's personal and it's only watching over private property, I don't really care. Your house, your stuff. I only care when it's on the streets, that's when I care.

honestly that's something I heavily despise, especially thanks to a certain someone(TM) deciding to [redacted]

(would actually like to tell you more, but the thing is, I don't wanna write this on a public site (though I think it certainly deserves a shoutout /neg)

if it's only for when i'm not in the appartment, maybe yes. but even then... idk.. it doesn't seem to be nessesary here.

Catching the occasional porch pirate, in a neighborhood which is probably low crime in the first place, and having peace of mind about family members being home, isn't worth the money or the privacy risk

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