Ente/Erpel · 12 answers · 5mo

How do you think about darker times of your life now?
And how long ago was it?

as bob ross said, in life you absolutely need to have dark in order to have light, bad days to have good days. i'm waiting on the good days now...

since it wasn't that long ago, i think it's pretty much okay to have darker times. but one has to work on it. And no one should be ashamed to get help!

i mostly forgot about it. well... i try to forget about it. and it was decades ago

uhm, Not Very Well (and considering this is publicly visible, I do not want to get any further), and it's around half a year ago at this point.

my darkest times was maybe mid-20s when I was unemployed and felt skill-less

I think now the issue was absolutely garbage direction in life from people. It's a lesson to be more independent in thinking.

2009-2014, when stupid companies delayed paying me during my freelance period. Put me in a financial crisis. Fear of opening doors when bell rings. Fear of opening letterboxes, cause both may contain evil stuff that will kill me. Now, it was a time I'll never want to happen again, however I also learned. Made me even more empathic.
Second period of grieve goes on from 2022 till now, but I gradually gets better. This is about relationship, broken heart and still open wounds on my soul.

They were before I went to college, I think. It's like a month ago. I can't say that living not in the village is dark times, I really like it

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