Enigmatico · 8 answers · 6mo

If you are a programmer, when did you start your journey into the void and what was your motivation for it?

I think my journey started all the way back when I was 6 or 7 and was quite fascinated on what a certain someone that shall not be named did already (and wanted to do something similar).

I think in BASIC for a school project...
But really it started during my apprenticeship with Delphi

i don't remember when i started the journey, but it was quite early. mostly because i wanted to tinker around

School 5th grade, 2012, motivation was that the Robotics club looked interesting and my parents forced me to join some club

I was just really fascinated by Math and Computer Stuff and my mom, who did it for a job, offered me a glimpse of the void

I started my adventure at 14 years old (with visual basic 6)

My motivation was about trying out what I could do with PCs.

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