Puniko · 23 answers · 14d

if you are also on fedi, when did you join and how did you get to know about fedi?

i was looking for someone dear to me and their trail led me to niu.moe and i stayed here until it closed

November 2022, for my work alt account. Some co-workers had accounts and I decided to open mine after Twitter started to go downhill.

A friend I met on IRC a long time ago got me on fedi, it must have been more than 3 years ago now

I joined back in 2021 originally, and I got to know about it through a friend of mine lol

I don't know how I get to know about it, but my first account was back in 2019 on bildung.social (Mastodon ofc)

Owashii: I found out from someone I was dating in 2019, ended up giving up on other social media in early 2020, which ended up being good timing on my part

Was in midst of 2018, heard about it from a friend. Took my chance and well, decide for yourself :)

I joined just over 4 years ago because a friend of mine (Kitty) convinced me to give it a try. I already knew about fedi because of another friend but didn't think much about it as it sounded like this tiny social thing that wasn't going anywhere. Oh boy was I wrong!

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