Kate · 10 answers · 12d

What do you consider to establish a 'slutty' outfit? Cleavage? Courts with platforms? Catty makeup? Fishnets? - And why is that slutty?

i've always interpretted 'slutty' to mean revealing and fun, not ever in a negative connotation. so i always picture like burlesque and rocky horror picture show type vibes lmao, i always think those types of outfits are so fun.. i'm not sure why those things are defined as 'slutty' in my mind, or why 'slutty' has a positive connotation to me but i'm sure it's for some strange freudian reason i don't care to unravel

No idea. I think it’s more about context, for me. I wouldn’t wear what I wear for an evening out to dance as I would to church.

A really short skirt or shorts that show the bottom of her a$$, a shirt that shows midriff, maybe some kind of long stockings like fishnet or whatever (but those don't do much for me), etc. It's slutty because it incites sexual desire by showing off and accentuating the girl's body in a sexual way. I mean, it's something one could call slutty...I don't actually call certain attire slutty and don't think sluttiness is a bad thing anyway. Also, you could say a girl is only slutty if she's actually promiscuous, not just based on how she dresses, if you wanted.

Every time I hear "slutty" outfit, I have some 65+ year old guy in mind, who gets horny by whatever and just shouts out that "That is such a slutty dress"

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