Enigmatico · 13 answers · 6mo

What's your favorite month of the year?

that’s a tough question… probably May? the time where it starts getting comfortably warm while not being unbearably so like the Summer.
On the other hand, September is a thing, where the autumn season starts to begin - where you get to have the last very hot days while also getting comfortably cold again. oh and not to mention the rest belonging to autumn, like the comforting rain, the falling leaves, and the more comfortable clothing… 🥺

Spring or autumn months, one of them or maybe more of them. Definitely not summer though

Hm, can't say for sure. It would've been August because it was the summer holidays back in school time, but nowadays it's not.
Maybe it's still August because all the school kids fuck off on holiday and stop irritating me at lunch time when I go to get food from the local supermarket.

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