Enigmatico · 5 answers · 21d

What's your ideal for a date? Like what things would you like to do with your date and where would you like to be with them?

I haven't been on a classical date for over ten years now.
But every time someone asks me what a good first date location is, I normally point to the zoo (not for everyone of course, but for most of the people thats a good start)

You can walk around and talk, you have the animals to talk about (best case this sin't even necessary) and you can blend in a little bit. In the cinema you can't talk and in a cafe its very easy to spot you and people can easily follow how the date is going.

I have plenty of ideas for locations - a visit to a tea house, a walk through the library or the park, or just dinner at my apartment. Somewhere reasonably quiet.

And we'd just infodump at each other about our most random interests.

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