Enigmatico · 7 answers · 6mo

You are in a fantasy MMO now. What is your main class? (Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Priest, Paladin, Hunter, Druid, Shaman)

Mage, since I'm a computer toucher IRL. (turns out I'm the reason that the rocks started thinking)

Hmm... I always liked the offensive warrior or paladin classes.
But a mage, druid, shaman game is also nice

Depends on how strict the classes are. Had a paladin in Diablo 3 that was pretty much unkillable due to resistance stacks and life steal with every action. That would be fun to do again. But mage would be awesome magic (assuming I'm not bound by some stupid skill system). Otherwise, rogue or hunter

Was a tryhard Rogue type of guy. But lean towards Hunter and chill playstyle in all my games nowadays.

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