𓈒ֺּׅ‿◞ ݁ sakam✿to's store · 10 answers · 4h

03.03.25 ✿ qotd◟how many yumes do u have? since when, which date?

kaoru hakaze - lowk like 2022
shu itsuki - may 2023
tsumugi aoba - mid 2024
charles eyler - early january ... fav atm though

I only keep track of dates for my most serious f/o... aka Fyodor. Our anniversary is July 09 2023 since that was the first time I mentioned him in my journal but I think after looking through old accounts I'd actually liked him since (very) late 2022

I have a very few but my main one are shadow milk. our date 01/09/25 ^.^ our anniversary is soon..

11 romantic and 3 familial^.^ i dont remember dates well but if u disinclude the familial ones the order from first to latest is:
niki, jakurai, kuko, HiMERU, aiku, zantetsu, fumiya, rei, hitoya, ness, amahiko

8 yumes not f/o they r real!!
don't having the correct dates
mydei & blade before their release
tenma tsukasa - 2021-2022 around that
kaimshiro rui - 2022-2023 around that
suguru geto - somewhere in 2023
yoichi nagumo & shishiba - around july

4 yumes
Deon Hart — somewhere around 2022
Reaper — idk the relase of the second MoTH game
Lua & Shepherd — they've been birth recently by my oomfs so they're very new 💔

The only ones i truly consider adjacent to yumes and care for are probably under 10 (and i only really fixate on 2) but i lowk want a lot of characters

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