Cameron ou Ryūnetto🐰
16 PDiD System He Fem
Please read my rentry before interacting !
anyone got an artist they can rely on making their mood worse when you listen to their music. mine is car seat headrest
Revospring slowly pins fragsturztaube against the wall, looking down at him menacingly and darkly. Fragsturztaube gulps before wrapping his arms around his waist and looking up at him. They slowly lock their lips together as they passionately make out, tangling their hands in their hair and closing their eyes tight. The next day, Fragsturztaube was pregnant, having a baby named Neospring, yet Revospring has left toxically due to, "I HATE FAGGOTS WHO GET MALE PREGNANT!" He yelled at Fragsturztaube menacingly
if jjgc made a server would yall join
everyone just please turn off anons... that's what I did and nobody has told me to kms since yesterday tf tf /lh
simple rentry but jjgc said it fire so hi <- thanks nicm for the url
@azuretime @chance @slingshot and @bow are pedophiles / proshippers but you aren’t ready to have this talk yet
Ahh its anybody elses Frag being slow?😭 im trying to ask people things and answer them BUT ITS TAKING FOREVER TO LOAD!!!!!
Hello oomfs..out of school..almost forgot to log on… HOW IS EVERYBODY!!!!!
Im going to go watch some anime so...
whats your favorite anime? If you dont have one, what was your favorite cartoon?
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