A normal boy who's holly & jolly ^_^
0 nd 1 nd 2 nd 3 nd 4 nd wait you only have four
Hi kobo !
0. Lua brainrot is real! I've made slotmachine (Lua/X) semi canon because I just need more content of them together, especially bunny Lua and X ^^. Im also not gonna get rid of lovebug Lua in my head any time soon
1. X. Which is literally my username rn,, goodbye user name chance. They're like a kncokoff chance but dream game! A lobotomized casino owner who helps sleepwalkers out... Idk what to say much about them other than I want them dead
2. It's late so no detailed facts. The sun is made by many gases. Most of this gas is hydrogen (about 70%) and helium (about 28%). Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen make up 1.5% and the other 0.5% is made up of small amounts of many other elements such as neon, iron, silicon, magnesium and sulfur.
4. I feel like I'm regressing to my old self ^^"' and that's not good
bro i was reading my timeline like "damn yumejin gives off fire prompts i wanna see what's ghost's secret about me" BROTHER THATS YOUR OWN ACC!!! :sob:
Not peak 1x1x1x1 doodle I made half asleep..
Hey.. your F/O is ranting to me about how much they love you so much..... Can you come get them?? It's starting to get annoying..!
Hi I’m going to redo my frag rentry https://rentry.co/fragsturztaube and properly decorate everything n shit. I’m thinking of copying some of my mutuals and adding little images of characters to link to my oomfs’ profiles, reply with one if you’d like to be added! 🫧
takes a massive massive MASSIVE bite out of ur brain hi im kobo :3
Please block @Azuretime @Holy @Princess @Medkit, he is HisPatient, a stalker and serial abuser. Here is proof that Seron is HP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10T62MnrTVFRca7ZG1fcZR7OCLvpeAdsKbLnPmKeGMx4/edit?usp=sharing
Anon the acronym has always had multiple meanings and it being used as a shorthand for "this" is actually more popular and defined than using it for "this shit", you're reaching and it's not the stars.
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