alice · 18 answers · 3d

what's your favourite number? (creative answers get bonus points)

6, and that's bc for whatever reason a lot of the most important events in my life happened on the 6th of a given month, both very good and bad!

Oh god, the temptation... why would you do this to me... fine.

28 is my favorite perfect number~ I even wrote it on my 28th drawing <3

Graham's Number! It's so large that you can't even write it out in full. There are t-shirts with symbolic representations of it, though.

Positive balance numbers on my account are so lovely. But apart from that I have an emotional connection to numbers that contain the "2" in it like 22 or 21 they give me good vibes and bring up a feeling of sunshine, plus they cause me to imagine the colour "orange" as the number 2 is orange for me.

i suppose i won't get bonus points for saying 64
it's a nice square number and a nice power of 2

122 (my birthday is May 3, and it is the 122th day of the year, when counting from 0)

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