CatsWhoCode · 7 answers · 6d

Ask game:
01. Song recommendation
02. Recipe ideas
03. Hacking tip(s)
04. Show, movie, etc., recommendations!
05. Romantic ideas

1) Darude - sandstorm
2) Pasta with nothing else
3) repeatedly ping for strong ddos
4) Twin peaks
5) A date in the middle of the jungle

  1. Shirobon - FOX
  2. Fondue
  3. Axes work great for hacking
  4. Maomao recommends Apothecary Diary :3
  5. Hike to a scenic lookout?

Taylor swift, time Mcgraw
I don't cook
I don't hack
The 100
Picnic in the woods

i donut understand is this ask game for you or is this a proposed one for me? i guess hit me with 1!

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