♪ ── " Spirit Bound To This Flesh; "
" This Guise, This Mask. " ─ ✙
I. ─ Self; Source/ID。
II. ─ Tune; Song。
III. ─ Love; Yume。
♪ ── " Spirit Bound To This Flesh; "
" This Guise, This Mask. " ─ ✙
I. ─ Self; Source/ID。
II. ─ Tune; Song。
III. ─ Love; Yume。
Hi simple question / Qotd
whats your mbti and ennegram? has this changed overtime? do you think the characters you share this with act like you?
5w6 INTP sp/sx ChaoticEvil RCUEN, I lean more ISTP now honestly. That's really all that's changed. And it depends on the character but I think I'm rather similiar to most of them (and vice versa), in some specific degrees. I share an MBTI with New Hampshire apparently.
fucking dies
i confesd that i wish you a very brick shaped skull injury
Hello everyone . . What is your favorite movie 💉
You're Next (2011) Directed by Ti West
Which food do you hate?
Mushrooms and Like Most Other Food But I Would Willingly Let Myself Become A Scientific Vivisection Before I Eat A Mushroom.
Yo question why is the confess account banned? what happened while I was asleep LMFAO
Confession/Releated accounts aren't allowed on these sites.
What is your favourite programming language?
CSS . . . Everytime I've Tried To Do JS I've Ended Up Actually Ripping Out My Hair.
So about NeoRevo….. is it…NeoFrag now….?
NeoRevo, Revo was Neo's First Wife, We've Upgraded. This is the New Wife.
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