noa · 21 answers · 17h

Hi simple question / Qotd
whats your mbti and ennegram? has this changed overtime? do you think the characters you share this with act like you?

Host's is ENFJ so/sp 2w1 287. Some characters that share this are my host's main sources. {:

ISTP Trueneu Phlegchol IS(T) ˢᵖ9w8
sp/sx sp5w6 sx4w3 SLI VLEF RCUAI mSP|O|DEi CDS

I act like koga oogami but I think like seba natsuki

infp and 9w1 i rhink
used to believe i was intp 5w4 or skmething but then i stopped forcing myself to dull down my emotions as much

5w6 INTP sp/sx ChaoticEvil RCUEN, I lean more ISTP now honestly. That's really all that's changed. And it depends on the character but I think I'm rather similiar to most of them (and vice versa), in some specific degrees. I share an MBTI with New Hampshire apparently.

ISTP and 5w4 , i've only recently learnt my enneagram but my mbti has changed quite a bit!! ˃ᴗ˂

isfp 1w2 and not really ? the only characters i remember being isfps were flipping eren yeager (??) and akutagawa and im nothing like either of them

intp 5w4 so/sx etc etc I think... my favorite characters are either super similar to me in personality or complete opposites there no in between

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