ஸ்ரீ · 18h

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  1. The Kal'tsit you see in Endfield has the same claw glove as Kal'tsit did in her pre-Arknights concept art. Also, she's practically a Kal'tsit expy.
  2. Guard Ch'en (Yes, the Ch'en you can obtain from headhunting. Yes, the Ch'en you have in Rhodes Island) canonically doesn't exist. This is because we know exactly where Ch'en has been from the moment she learns about Rhodes Island, and from the last moment where she leaves LGD. However, the Ch'en we, the player, have in Rhodes Island is still the superintendent of LGD. Once again, reminding everyone, please take the Arknights timeline with a grain of salt. 2, again. When you have Melanite's skin equipped and you're using her during a battle, whenever she uses her S2, a purple glowing butterfly will appear on the enemy that is striked by the hit. It's a cute detail.

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