
ic xunjie00879 (lofter)

eternally in dossoles holiday šŸøā˜€ļøšŸ–ļø
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ernesto Ā· 11h

Ernesto Ask Game 2.0

You send an ask, I answer

  1. Fun fact about Arknights (The game itself)
  2. Fun fact about an Arknights character
  3. What do you remind me of?
  4. I assign you an Arknights character
  5. Ernesto Talk
ernesto Ā· 11h

Ernesto Ask Game 2.0

You send an ask, I answer

  1. Fun fact about Arknights (The game itself)
  2. Fun fact about an Arknights character
  3. What do you remind me of?
  4. I assign you an Arknights character
  5. Ernesto Talk
micah ā™Ŗ Ā· 11 answers Ā· 15h

"@trans is dumb and overrated" actually hurt my feelings what the fuck šŸ˜­

There's always going to be someone out there who dislikes, or hates you. You can't do anything about it, because you can't please everyone, and that's okay. I believe you shouldn't pay any mind to anything that comes out of that confession account, since it was clearly made with the intuition to stir up drama. And you should especially not listen to anyone who refuses to be straightforward to you about their opinion on you, and instead chooses to hide behind an anonymous facade. Simply look away, and move on, because these people aren't worth your time.

shin ā™„ļøŽ Ā· 11 answers Ā· 17h

whats with the association stuff here,,,,,,,, ok what do u guys associate me with

via ā™” Ā· 22 answers Ā· 1d

DID ANYONE ELSE GET SPAM THREATS IN THEIR INBOX iā€™m scared. all of my friends did

No, but it's from the same person. Look at the discover page, specifically the "top askers". Notice how all of them are pfpless jumbled usernames, including the one impersonating as the site team.

Blobcat Ā· 1d

What is the best thing ever?

Blobcat Ā· 1d

Who is your favourite actor?

Tequila (Arknights) And yes, this is canon. He did act as an agent in one of Nian's film, hence why we got the Cardwinner skin from him; Emerald Holiday Reed skin, and Mudrock Obsidian skin.

Blobcat Ā· 1d

Have you ever pet a rat?

My favorite Zalaks are Flametail, U-Official, and Dorothy. Also I like Scavenger, and Lutonada. I never realized they were Zalaks until I found their icons on the Zalak Arknights Terra Wiki page. Flametail surprised me, I genuinely thought she was a Kuranta..

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