﹙ QOTD ﹚ #08
goodmorning, good afternoon, or goodnight oomfs & non - oomfs !! 🤍 JUST GOT /klees SO IM FEELING SUPER GOOD TDAY (´ω`)
Q : if u had to choose on activity u do out of all of the others, which would that be ?U CAN ONLY PICK ONE NO EXCEPTIONS <(`^´)>
for me i'd say probably making ponies on ponytown (´ω`) i love making ponies sm but since my supporter is gone i cant (𓏼 ˊ͈ ᵔ ˋ͈𓏼 )
yay!!! so cute I love klee. for activity i'd say drawing
play videogames ,,, chronic game player
Code .. I love coding but it's so tedious I never have the time
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