Everything from everyone's ask game 🐱
🎧 I’m tired… going to bed soon. Low on spoons. Starting to be overstimulated.
🎶 I’m the only splitroject.
🎼 (This is copied I’m tired but I only shared this to one person who’s not on here) I like to think that the violin soloist in Requiem Resonantia represents Boethius while the organ represents Remus. Especially as the song switches to 12/8 you can really hear how the two mingle together. To take it further, there’s also pretty much no pipe organ before that section. So perhaps the song itself is representative of Boethius’s story. Even the title could be interpreted as such—“Reqiuem” (rest) doesn’t fit a battle theme very well. I like to think of it as the silence that rang out. I also like to think that the violin in Metres of Boethius is also him. In fact, I firmly belive Boethius wrote Metres himself. With that logic I like to interpret the flute as Cassiodor. In fact, I have a theory that the “Musica Mundana” in genshin is literally the soundtrack of the game itself, but that’s a whole other conversation.
🎵 Libertango (🎺)
🎹 You don’t have a profile theme but based on your pfp I’m going with “Clement Rillet”.
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