Everything from everyone's ask game 🐱
01 = in one of my ships I die from chemical burns
02 = Hetaila… I’ve liked the series for… about 5 years now? I adore it a lot! I am a Prussia and America LOVER!
03 = hi 👋 this time I’ll talk about Stephen Ficklemeyer. He’s the former king of his country and the adviser for his son, he considers himself to be the “king father” ( a male Version of the queen mother ).
He dotes on all of his children, he loves making and sewing them things like blankets and hats. He loves the cold and has lived through winter storms that are deemed life threatening and unlivable. He thinks it builds character. He’s also catholic and will pray for you if you ask him to, and will constantly keep you in his prayers and heart.
He’s a very kind man! Mostly. He can become very hostile but that’s like kinda rare he’s very polite. Almost a pushover. He also lives with his to-be husband and sometimes they take trips to the beach. Stephen is also extremely unmedicated despite having a prescription… he hates how his pills make him feel afterwards.
I’d add more but then I’d probably have to mention his ex wife and then it would get like rated X and I’d probably have to put a TW
04 = grass. Dandelions. White diamonds perfume ^__^ you seem very cheerful and kind!
05 = Laura — Erroll Garner.
06 = hello kitty! https://i.postimg.cc/5tdJqgF0/IMG-3214.gif
i don't have mine posted here yet but!
001 - i recommend you the artist Lush Crayon! they make mallsoft music, i love just putting it on in the background while i do stuff
002 - most recent movie i watched was friday the 13th part iii (1982) and it was fine? kind of mid.. i don't like how they portrayed jason but i'm also very biased lmao, a lot of the kills were really cool though
003 - random fact.. did you know that your brain absorbs 20% of your daily caloric intake? thinking takes a lot of effort!
004 - one of my kintypes is a tamandua! they're a type of anteater, they're nocturnal and take shelter in hollow trees and abandoned burrows made by other animals!
005 - my current interest/fixation is horror which is actually my special interest, i'm just letting myself indulge in it more rn :-)
006 - idk if some people count him as horror but i assign you beetlejuice from the original 1988 film
🎧 I’m tired… going to bed soon. Low on spoons. Starting to be overstimulated.
🎶 I’m the only splitroject.
🎼 (This is copied I’m tired but I only shared this to one person who’s not on here) I like to think that the violin soloist in Requiem Resonantia represents Boethius while the organ represents Remus. Especially as the song switches to 12/8 you can really hear how the two mingle together. To take it further, there’s also pretty much no pipe organ before that section. So perhaps the song itself is representative of Boethius’s story. Even the title could be interpreted as such—“Reqiuem” (rest) doesn’t fit a battle theme very well. I like to think of it as the silence that rang out. I also like to think that the violin in Metres of Boethius is also him. In fact, I firmly belive Boethius wrote Metres himself. With that logic I like to interpret the flute as Cassiodor. In fact, I have a theory that the “Musica Mundana” in genshin is literally the soundtrack of the game itself, but that’s a whole other conversation.
🎵 Libertango (🎺)
🎹 You don’t have a profile theme but based on your pfp I’m going with “Clement Rillet”.
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