Your friendly dungeon master! Anthropomorphic wolf, necromancer, pyromancer, guardian of souls, hoarder of puzzles and riddles, seeker of knowledge, tea enthusiast and Anubis' son.
Roll Initiative!
What do you like to sing?
Here is my top 10 songs that I sing the most unconsciously:
three sided coin
Choose! Heads, tails or tums?
what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
What do you mean? An African or a European swallow?
eat a mushroom off the ground
Do I look like a plumber to you?
how is gen beta doing
Takes a quick look at the forge.
Well, the ingots are still being melted, why?
Recently delved into the topic of animal intelligence, others than humans, and i think there is this bias to for weird structures found in a modern day western human society. So my question which are the most misunderstood creatures besides like the typical (e.g wolfs , cats hyenas. Better yet non mammalian) in your oppinion
I think arthropods are also very misunderstood. People either have a great disgust for them or a great fear of them, and they are so small that people often do not sense intelligence in them. I have always thought, judging by the way people treat them, that bugs are seen as little irrational automatons that act according to a simple and repetitive programming. But no, bugs are very smart! And they even have idle behaviors and do things that do not bring them anything just for the luxury of having fun!
In what ways would you want to positively impact the world?
I have always fantasized about the idea of changing the world for the better through my art. Being able to offer ideas and knowledge that help people empathize more with others and make the world a better place. All this because I have always thought that people, let's say, "bad" are bad due to lack of knowledge and education. Unfortunately, time and age are showing me that there are people who consciously choose conflict and harm others. So my goal now may have shifted a little to showing creatures like me that they are not alone and giving them love instead of trying to waste my energy trying to change someone who clearly doesn't want to.
What's the best riddle you know?
It's difficult to choose just one. I like even the simplest ones if they make you resort to logic or lateral thinking even for a moment. But one that seemed very good to me and that even knowing the answer still seems fascinatingly complicated to imagine is that of the hundred green-eyed prisoners.
Estudiaste egiptología? O a que dedicas tu tiempo?
No he cursado nada de egiptología, a excepción de algún que otro cursillo de la Universidad de Barcelona por internet. Todo lo que sé se debe a mi interés especial en el tema y a las horas de búsqueda autodidacta, a comprar y leer libros del tema, a morar servidores de discord y otras redes dedicados al tema y a visitar cada museo y exposición siempre que se me presente la oportunidad. Tanto es así que, en mi viaje de fin de curso del instituto a Roma, fui el único que se escaqueó de ver la Capilla Sixtina porque no podía dejar pasar la oportunidad de ver la estatua de Hermanubis.
En cuanto a qué dedico mi tiempo, bueno, soy diseñador gráfico, bien es sabido ya por todas las criaturas de por aquí, pero por desgracia a día de hoy vivo en un constante estado de burnout que apenas me permite seguir desarrollando mis habilidades e intereses. Sinceramente, a veces ni sé cómo soy capaz de trabajar.
Lugar favorito?
Llevo un rato considerablemente grande meditando sobre ésta respuesta. Estoy haciendo una recapitulación de todos los lugares que me gustan y ninguno despierta en mí ese cosquilleo en el estómago de pensar “Fuah, éste es mi favorito sin duda.” Aunque sí que siento algo así cuando pienso en las personas que me acompañaban mientras visitaba esos lugares. Así que creo que mi respuesta es que cualquier buen lugar puede ser mi favorito si la compañía es la correcta.
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