TAFFETA · 31 answers · 13h

serious mode on & ask all becos i have wider reach, but you guys srsly need to leave that r*vospr*ng (tagged so can’t namesearch) server. Idc if ur lolcow’ing “”That guy ™”” or making jokes (e.g i saw one of u say “himejoshi (site owner)” ???) or ‘beefing with him’ ur legit just enabling him & his behaviour by encouraging his provocative RACIST & ABLEIST bigotry (i saw ygs using slurs in there!) ygs r just as ableist & racist as him if ur enabling this lawl

^^^ just dragging it because you find it entertaining is not going to bring any of you guys anywhere. he is a grown man and probably doesn't gaf about what you guys have to say so not only are you wasting your time but you're also engaging in ableist n racist behaviour just for "entertainment"

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