⠀⠀ʚ (ᴗ ᴗ ) ɞ
- dont be rude
- uh. other than that idc
⠀⠀(♬ ᵔ ᵔ)
- if you're block it's most likely because:
⠀- i dont like you
⠀- i find you annoying
⠀- you blocked me first
⠀- i dont like your interests
⠀⠀(ᴗ͈ ⫟ ᴗ͈)
- i'll most likely unblock you if i just dont like your interests, as long as your nice about it.
- anon asks are disabled just so i know who you are.
⠀⠀ʚ (ᴗ ᴗ ) ɞ
- dont be rude
- uh. other than that idc
⠀⠀(♬ ᵔ ᵔ)
- if you're block it's most likely because:
⠀- i dont like you
⠀- i find you annoying
⠀- you blocked me first
⠀- i dont like your interests
⠀⠀(ᴗ͈ ⫟ ᴗ͈)
- i'll most likely unblock you if i just dont like your interests, as long as your nice about it.
- anon asks are disabled just so i know who you are.
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