theking! · 11 answers · 1d

If you've played Skyrim: what's your favorite small detail?
If you have not played Skyrim: why?

i've played skyrim, like, once, then haven't played it again in at least five years
idk why, just didn't appeal to me as much?

Skyrim is the game that always feels like I've never played it despite the fact that I did finish the main story >.>
I started the game, my completionist brain had me dissociate and I ended up autopiloting through so many caves and ruins, and then I eventually got bored and focused the main story and haven't picked it back up since.

Enchanting forks! Pair that with the restoration glitch and you get the poke of death.

It's not really a small detail at all, but just the fact that you can yanno actually navigate via signs et al - love that in Elder Scrolls games in general.

I think I've played maybe an hour of skyrim... idk, I just never really got that into it

Honestly I was never that interested in it, just kind of passed as this one of these games I know about but never really played

I haven't i just have been more interested in sci Fi but i have played a lot of fallout (favorite is nv)

we've only played it for a few hours because turns out we don't really like these sorts of games :neofox_up_paws:

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