If you've played Skyrim: what's your favorite small detail?
If you have not played Skyrim: why?
i've played skyrim, like, once, then haven't played it again in at least five years
idk why, just didn't appeal to me as much?
Skyrim is the game that always feels like I've never played it despite the fact that I did finish the main story >.>
I started the game, my completionist brain had me dissociate and I ended up autopiloting through so many caves and ruins, and then I eventually got bored and focused the main story and haven't picked it back up since.
Enchanting forks! Pair that with the restoration glitch and you get the poke of death.
you can put buckets over people's heads and they wont see you robbing their house :3
@revolver oomf likes skyrim
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