if that one was a magic item found as loot, what kind of magic item would it be?
An item that has an associated summoned creature that is mostly annoying but then really helpful in a very specific situation, so the player has to begrudgingly carry it around taking up an inventory slot because they know it will be useful after like 20 more hours of playtime
did that one make the cofe (with foxboi) by itself
No! @SymTrkl made it, it's :neobot_cofe_fox_ears:
why is this drone approaching it so formally?
shit didn't mean to send that
But you did :3
ilo niko? soweli niko? or both?
how does it make coffee?
how will it make coffee if it can use any method?
what method of coffee making does it want to try?
it usually makes coffee in an 02 V60, with beans ground fairly coarse with its kingrinder k6, following Lance Hedrick's pourover method. If it could choose any method, that is honestly the one it would choose, it's used to it and it makes nice coffee.
It also has a Flair Neo Flex lever espresso machine, in which it prefers pulling 1:2 or 1:2.5 shots at a 16g dose. It uses the k6 to grind for that one too. It does not make espresso as much, because it's sorta a pain. It wants to try Siphon brewing, because a siphon brewer makes it feel like it's doing some drug lab shit, and is also interested in semi auto espresso machines that might make the process of espresso-brewing a little easier.
how is 3A29 so cute
it disagrees with property "so cute" being ascribed to it. it considers itself at a level of cute which "so cute" is an overstatement of
does that one like ouppys or kbitys more?
it cannot say, it loves both
how did this one pick its visor? was it just because all the fedibots were using the same one, or does it actually care about the air filtration properties
mostly aesthetics, being an older model new-old-stock it was comparatively cheap for a "proper" respirator, speech valve and compatibility with 40mm connection for hoses etc were benefits too. But it genuinely searched for "gas mask" on ebay and picked it after finding that it fit its requirements
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