soundwave · 22h

Please Read my DNI before following!
Also if you have any beef with me please bring it up on Discord instead (@stormy5983).

Also say something nice on my guestbook!

If you are worried about being a "problematic fujoshi", you probably are not one. I understand that, for most people, this idea might be foreign, but please remember that we all come from different corners of the internet. I might've seen things that you haven't - and we most certainly do not have the same experiences. Also, please do understand that there are spaces in which the problematic fujoshis tend to reside - Twitter being one of the biggest examples. Nowadays, the "problematic fujos" are far-less prominent, so it is highly unlikely that an individual here fits that category. I simply keep it on my DNI since it has affected me in the past. Also, when responding to me about my DNI, please try to be formal. I take my boundaries very seriously and am easily affected by what I may interpret to be a mockery of my boundaries. This may include things such as using emojis or calling something "common sense". Please do not use NSFW wordage towards me in any situation, either. I am a minor and feel uncomfortable towards these statements mostly due to my age, though that is not the only reason. Please, for the love of god, read my DNI disclaimer. I understand that I may seem far more emotionally sensitive than most people on certain subjects/towards certain jokes, but that is not for you to judge. Please do not bring this up further unless you have a genuine concern, though please take that to my Discord. This is for my own mental health's sake, do not insert yourself into this and shame me for my boundaries. I will block you if I view your actions as breaking my DNI, but if you genuinely follow anything on there, interact with extreme caution as I will, once again, block as I see fit. Of course, I legit don’t care about talk about any of these things - for the love of god, a lot of these are really common things on the internet.

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