emery ??? · 10 answers · 1d

hi guys qotd what opinions/beliefd do you have that you’re really adamant on? pls none of tha bigoted stuff thankyew

eugenics/ableist & misogynistic rhetoric is rlly common in niche queer communities online Anyhorse everyone knows that lawl erm firm opinion ☞ is that the r slur is non reclaimable 🍬🍏

people cannot be necessarily 'good' or 'bad' as what is seen as good and bad can change dependent on a persons culture, beliefs and their nuture

🍰 ⦂ Answered By ✦ Mei

we NEED more romance manga with hunter MLs & FLs (for yuri)... buff strong men and women who are self sufficient and live in the woods in a cabin and fall in love with someone and then they get marrieddd and live together in the woodsss...

everyone should be honest with eachother without caring of hurting their feelings (AND OWN UP TO IT)

edating is literally not real. u cabt date someone youve never met irl that logic is ridiculous. please disagree with me actually!! id like to hear otjer opinuons

That saying mentally ill people shouldnt have children because they are mentally ill and can pass it on IS eugenics

anyone that says otacon "fucked his (step)mom" or makes jokes about that entire subject should all die!!!! SHUT UP HE WAS A TEENAGER

I am a firm believer in nothing is pure good and nothing is pure evil. It's impossible to be one side each, whether it be skewed morals, meaning well, or you being selfish, you'll never be fully evil, as well as even if you're selfless, have good morals, and mean well & do the right thing, you'll never be fully good. Good and evil is too much of a spectrum (not the like. good----------------------evil like spectrum, I mean its like a 3D spectrum that's much more complex than one straight line) for anyone to be on one side or the other. I could go on

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