真珠 · 11 answers · 3d

this is going to be last all ask because i'm tired of annoying people , i'll still post just not do all asks


please spread the doc as a lot of people are still defending me , don't follow me if you defend him aka @/child on frag

i'm sorry for being annoying

I'm terribly sorry you went through this, truly. There's something I need to personally point out - "”with so many grooming allegations I'm scared that might happen to me since I'm older” ?? no normal person has fears of being accused of grooming", saying that "no normal person has a fear of - 'xxx subject'" (In this case, the fear of being outed as a pedophile / groomer) really rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not invalidating anything here, but as a person with POCD(Pedophilia Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), and was once public about it then stopped - it rubbed me the wrong way.

People CAN have that fear, even without the disorder. It’s genuinely not shameful to have that fear. Do not take this as me defending Levi, I’m not. This is something that I, and other people on this site struggle with. What Levi did was horrific. I hope you heal and are well.
Im sorry if this seems - nitpicky? At all, i'm not trying to be, it just was something that genuinely rubbed me the wrong way.

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