⠀⠀Finn⠀⠀ · 15 answers · 2d

Since I mostly grew up speaking in a dialect (Bisaya) whenever I speak in Tagalog people always point out I have a "bisaya" accent LMAOAOA also I would roll my R's constantly even my mom got sick of it now I don't do it as often but it does slip out every once and a while

Some people tell me I still have a Canadian accent. I don’t. I haven’t been home in years, lol. A place I would really like to visit,l? I suppose China. It has great history, and great architecture. Perhaps somewhere in the USSR would be nice to visit, for similar reasons.

my friends make fun of me when i pronounce something like a stereotypical french person 💔💔😭

english slang. or people use stereotypical indian accents to mock me specifically. im not indian thats the funny thing, nor do i have the accent they make fun of.

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