b itch · 4d

Would you rather fight 5000 ant sized hippos or 1 hippo sized ant

[{'generated_text': 'Would you rather fight 5000 ant sized hippos or 1 hippo sized ant? I think you might need one of those instead. " \n "'}, {'generated_text': "Would you rather fight 5000 ant sized hippos or 1 hippo sized ant? I think it's safer to choose one in a zoo since the"}, {'generated_text': "Would you rather fight 5000 ant sized hippos or 1 hippo sized ant? I think you should know that they're all of a different kind"}, {'generated_text': 'Would you rather fight 5000 ant sized hippos or 1 hippo sized ant? I think not - the hippo sized ant could make it look'}, {'generated_text': 'Would you rather fight 5000 ant sized hippos or 1 hippo sized ant? I think we \'d make good competition. " " okay. sounds'}]

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