yumeified seron · 10 answers · 2d

Not yume related, my apologies yumes..

Can people stop threatening to doxx me over others here sharing yumes? That’s not my fault. Don’t involve me. ANYONE can come here for a prompt as long as they’re respectful and kind about it. As well, if you’re proship: DO NOT FOLLOW ME. You are not welcome here, I don’t like stuff like or support that stuff.

turn off ur anons dear frand !! It’s saur sucky that ppl r turning into edgelords & liekkk 2022 kintwt kinsta whatevah over self-shipping this is d/a disk 📀 horse 🐎 all over again ➰

IM SO SORRY TO HEAR THAT YUMEOOMFIE :( they don’t get the grind like you do genuinely sending good energy

why cant we all just hold hands and come together peacefully..,, please take a break if you need it and remember to take care of urself

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