yumeified seron · 14 answers · 2d

Yume related ask!

What songs do you associate with your yume? When it comes on, you can’t help but thinking about your love ♡

birds of a feather ALWAYS makes me think of sunday … ecstasy (apple of my eye) does too . and friday im in love . ♡

for phainon cause he gets to be mentioned too … for some reason bed chem really makes me think of him . im not that freaky i promise

Obviously HER somgs , after pain , it’s not my fault . But I also associate teen idle (Marina and the diamonds) and the daughter of evil with muu <33

i have too many but tear in my heart by twenty one pilots and kissing in cars by pierce the veil r two of my main ones.. 😓

Que Sera Sera by glamscure is one of them, the lyrics are just so sweet I cant help but think of him ♡

idfc - black bear
boy in the bubble - Alec Benjamin
if we have each other - alec benjamin

Well. she does songs so. BUT NON KANADE SONG IS. well actually still sung by her va. nemurenai miminari... Ouguhh

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