🍰 · 14 answers · 2d

name 5 positive things that remind you of your friends / partners !!

@whale angels, haibane renmei, 9/11, george bush, lesbianism 😊
@gojo axolotls, anime, sea/aquatic life in general, chibi characters, minecraft
@swag truffula flu, rodrick, the onceler, touhou, ddr
@queen iwtv, fantasy princesses & knights, apples, strawberries, mythical creatures like unicorns and dragond 😊

theyre eating the dogs theyre eating the cats- pronoun club
cucumber vpn link click asmr - fae
tweaking out over gdragon's new album - rhy
talking about chronically online things irl So funny - casper
everytime i listen to jpop or talk abt it bcs 'oshi' - amira

🍰 ⦂ Answered By ✦ Mei

Snivy, Huo Huo, Assassin x Cinderella, Saihate Station, & Bennett 〜 Each of these is associated with a different friend!

his hair reminds me of sakuras, ocean, hairspray, the number 10, eastern lillies, fluffy things umm did i say 5 things

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