genesis · 20h

Hi kayn i remember you from revospring and you said your schizoposts were too long to be added with the others i think? So just 04 plz 💙

I am glad people enjoy my schizoposts. I will seldom use this site and so I simply brought over my ask game so my page does not remain blank.

Haha, I fear as of late my mind has been blank, I have not felt much negativity as of recently for me to share my frustrations about. Allow me to simply ramble.

04 :: One of my more controversial opinions is that I believe in “treating people the way they treat you.”
Do unto others what they have done to you.
People who have hurt you will wait for you to slip up and hurt their feelings so they can overreact and switch focus from their faults. Humans are manipulative, it is in their nature, quiet competition and secret feuds linger everywhere. Forgiveness is near impossible within many.
If you get shoved to the floor and you push back; you are to be scorned, labelled as the one in the wrong.
People struggle to take problems serious unless it happens to them. This is something that I am always proven right about. Your problems will be underestimated and dismissed because we live in an age devoid of empathy.
These same people are ones who expect to be treated like porcelain when they themselves go through something awful.
Undeserved self-righteousness is something I dislike with a passion. It is why I have come to hate most people and prefer to avoid creating bonds with people. Everyone is weak. I am not to say selfishness is foolish; I just believe if you constantly vent your problems you should at least be able to provide a bit of help when needed to someone else.
Maybe I am losing track of what I am saying, I am currently playing Fear & Hunger..

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