
My urge to stalk my mutuals is stronger than my urge to be #different.

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Яшенька · 14h

1 - Kin/ID
2 - I assign you something
3 - Fun fact
4 - Schizopost
5- Rentry related

D⑅V · 6 answers · 6h

I’m going to unfollow everyone who’s still talking about R*cky

Whatever lowlifes saying that they're giving him attention for fun are just as mentally challenged as him btw

cishet guy · 7 answers · 11h

anyone got an artist they can rely on making their mood worse when you listen to their music. mine is car seat headrest

jung · 12h

all from your ask game

  1. Silver - Pokémon
  2. Do you like kagerou project? I couldn't think of anything else. My bad.
  3. ShuAke>AkeShu sorry Also I do not like how you people treat Akechi when it comes to portraying BPD. Also Also - Mfw someone says Akechi has NPD.
  4. Perpetual masking is real. I don't think I've been completely honest with a person other than my boyfriend since I was a literal toddler. What am I even hiding at this point? There's just some constant petrifying fear inside of me. Awesome
kayn · 12h

1 + 2
What is your favourite Fyodor panel?

Oh my God Fyodor question. I believe he looks especially handsome here and here. I am also incredibly fond of this artwork of him.

  1. The Distortionist/Christopher Pierre
  2. This image is us in my head, but I will always associate you with Orcas. Maybe a little bit wolf.
cishet guy · 7 answers · 13h

don't know why it's so hard for some people to not idolize real life serial killers. 😅

What is there to idolize lol. Way to out yourself as a painfully boring person with no real substance so you have to latch onto the edgiest thing possible.

MIAH · 13h

2 and 3 and 5 pleak

  1. You are a big puppy dog like one of the ones that get so excited that their entire body wags with their tail
  2. If I were to order narc comorbidity from most to least favorite it would be. nbpd > nhpd > naspd.
  3. I am making a fear and hunger rentry right now. Is that what it's called. The only thing I know from that media is that one shares a name with my bf (Pavel)
Cinna · 14h

Hiee all

Яшенька · 14h

1 - Kin/ID
2 - I assign you something
3 - Fun fact
4 - Schizopost
5- Rentry related

D⑅V · 24h

(Regarding the last ask) [Pawing at the door I’m locked behind] Come speak to meeeeeee...... I’m social...

D⑅V · 9 answers · 1d

I can’t wait for Fragsturztaube’s staff to come online and turn out the exact same as Revospring’s. Will you guys come back to Neospring then? :pleading_face:

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