alice ♔ · 9 answers · 11h

qotd 🌀 wat is the last movie u watched ^o^ & how did u like it

tried to find on netflix the last movie I watched but apparently ive been only watching series and anime. so idk.. but im going to re-watch coraline today since im almost finished with reading the book

式日 ritual (2000) & i loved it it was beautiful… its directed by hideaki anno who also directed evangelion . ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from me!

I dont remember for movies but i rewatched breaking bad last month & in january and it was fire i love that show

(Checking my letterboxd)
Tha last movie I watched ... 🎥 ...was Beware the Gonzo (2010)! Very funny movie... an acquired taste. Everybody say we love you Gonzo Gilman

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