Yume QotDs! · 12 answers · 3d

〖 12 March 2025 〗
𓏵 ⌣⌣⌣ ꒰ Yume QotD #7 ꒱
What's something your f/o is good at that you aren't? What's something you're good at that your f/o isn't?

him doing stuff I am quite lazy ^_^ being able to use computers I am better then him at that !

hes good at piano and getting work done . . . i cant sit down and get stuff done . im good at . um ? i dont actually know ? i think we are both decent at art . . . i remember his drawing from when he was a baby . . .

He's great at running and id probably draw better then him, he'd probably draw stickmen

uhh he’s very skilled at fighting and being sociable .. realistically he should be good at cooking as well

uh he writes good ! a whole lot better than me anyway... and er im good at not being a miserable wanker

He is good at music and I am not. I am good at drawing and he is... ?? I like to headcanon he paints or something so uhm. I'm more artsy overall though but he's better than me at a lot of things

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