genesis · 18 answers · 2d

If any of you guys self ship/yume show me art you have of you two (or three! or more!). Or ramble. Ok? Im in the mood to be a fujo himedan 💙

Hi. REANIMAFISH lore ^__^

Soo one night while Herbert is digging up bodies to research and study, he hears a voice coming from the nearby pond.

It’s a talking fish asking him to pick it up and take me away from here. It’s nasty and it smells

long story short Herbert and the fish get like. Deeply attached to each other and this makes Daniel Cain Get The Ick like it’s a fucking fish dawg we needa grill that hoe up and serve on a silver platter

Still Herbert doesn’t listen to Daniel complaints and sees the fish as a opportunity to break the boundaries between man and animal or something

The salmon gets stitched and fused together in a body that he reanimate and now he’s got a girlfriend named kaja that nags him while him and Daniel are working

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