Vael · 5mo

Re; what computer (or phone) are you currently using - go ahead and post the updated thing here if you want :3

desktop: a system with an Intel Xeon E3-1231 v3 paired with an RX 570 8GB and 16 GB of RAM - storage-wise, I have ~1.5TB in SSD form and a 4TB hard disk.

laptop: a MacBook Air M1 (7 graphics cores, 8 compute cores, 256GB storage, 8GB RAM)

phone: a Pixel 7 Pro (12GB RAM, 128GB storage)

(occasionally, I also use iPods (either a 4th Gen touch (8GB) or 6th Gen classic (80GB) to listen to music. most of the time, it depends on my mood though 🥴)

the desktop is getting a bit old at this point but it still works fine and does everything I need it to do, so I don't feel the need to replace it just yet :3

(also, thanks for re-sending that question! <3)

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