Steve · 2 answers · 11d

What are you thankful for in your life?

So many things. I'm thankful for my family who helped raise me into who I am now and continue to support me to this day. I'm thankful for my friends who have stuck by me at my best and at my worst. I'm thankful for my husband who has never given up on me and has made it clear that nothing I ever do will make him stop loving me, and makes me love him just as much simply by existing. They all make life worth living.

I'm thankful for the luxury of running water, the ability to spend my day writing and expressing myself, the relative safety I have of where I live, the electronics I use to communicate with my friends, the cannabis I use to self-indulge.

Despite all the troubles we face in life and the uncertainties we have of the future, I'm thankful to be alive and a part of this world.

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