seron · 18 answers · 12h

QOTD: Who or what do you love more than anything?
Optional: Why do you like them / whatever it is?

Side note:
Guys. Please tell me if i'm following anyone weird or problematic, I follow almost everyone back when I see the notifications and I don't want to follow anyone horrible!

OH MY GOD OK SO MY WIFE. my wifw ok listen they make me so happy brah oh jy lord bro i love ky girlfriend ancd uou WILL be hearing about it (evil kobo) every time they dm me i just get so happy and they make me feel like an ice cream cone in the sun DUDE I LOVE MY PARTNER SM i love my partner i need to medsage them oh mygod they like draw pizzatime/secondchance/azuretime and go “look its us!” AND IT MAKES ME HAVE THE BIGGEGS CUTENESS AGRESSION EVER I AM SO MADLY INLOVE WITH THEM
oh also apples

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