basil · 10h

Greetings jesoomf, I really like your theme!! It's simple and not hard on the eyes! All from your ask game perchance ?

Thank You BasilOomf! I like to keep it simple here. I'm glad you like it. :)

📝 - You seem to be a very polite/kind person, and the black/green colour scheme on your page Made me think of bugs.. I see you post a lot of asks and engage with your community a lot, so this makes you remind me of a Honey Bee! They are smart, dedicated and known for being extremely helpful. I think bees are a good symbol of community, and as you seem to be an active and kind person, it fits you well!
☕️ - I wear glasses. Sometimes I lose them and it makes me extremely frustrated, only to find Out I placed them somewhere obvious, like on top Of my laptop.
🔭 - Your Pokemon theme got me thinking about Pokemon, so a Pokemon character that I personally love is Hop from Sword/Shield! I think you can tell by now I enjoy more bubbly/positive characters with a few exceptions, and as I played through shield I absolutely adored every interaction with him. He was genuinely not only a lovely rival, but an absolutely amazing friend.
🎹 - Mirror! A reflective surface which will show a clear image of what is in front of it, it can be a term for imitating something too.
⌚️ - I recently lost a Car Seat Headrest Headrest: Twin Fantasy CD and I have been searching all over my house to find it. Does this count as hobbyish? I suppose so, it's my ask game after all!

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